Spotify Ad Blocker

The Spotify Ad Blocker guide (Windows, Mac, Browser, Android, IOS, etc)

Was going to edit the old one but unfortunately the thread got saved. If you’re curious about what’s different from the previous version, we’ve updated the Mac and Linux section for Spotify Ad Blocker. Also, there’s a mention about Spotify, noting that many people find it helpful, especially in their Spotify section. If you already know it, that’s about it.

Since this information is scattered all over the place, I thought I would do you guys a favor and try to collect all the methods and guides and methods in one place. Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s begin.

Before we begin I would just like to say that I did not invent any of this and all credit goes to their respective authors. I’m just trying to create a simple guide for everyone else.




There are 2 ways for Spotify Ad Blocker. There is a BlocktheSpot and there is a DLL injection method. The DLL injection method is said to be better because it’s believed to be more resistant to auto-updates and potentially more stable. But I’ve only experienced BlockTheSpot and I’ve been using it for a while with auto-update disabled and I’m happy with it. You can also try SpotX, which is similar to BlockTheSpot but comes with extra features like blocking updates. Both methods are reliable, so just choose whichever you prefer. Simply follow the steps below, and you’ll be all set.



DLL Injection Method:

Others have mentioned EZBlocker but I have no experience with it but I will link it for those interested.


Edit: Some people have talked about using Spicetify, which comes with an extension to eliminate ads and the upgrade button.






Run the script in the terminal linked below. It’s very easy and it’s all in one click. Older tools haven’t been updated in a while. Instructions are also already attached.

There are 2 ways to go about it. You can run the script or you can install the pirated version of AdGuard for desktop then add Spotify to the filtered app list and be good. Honestly, the AdGuard method used to be good but then became a big pain in the ass after a few MacOS updates and sometimes connectivity breaks for no reason, so I would recommend against it and the script method. I will use I have created a guide detailing this and the link is below. For simplicity, I’ll just copy and paste what I wrote there and put it. This is going to be long because no one has made a guide for Mac yet.

Option 1 (Best Option)

The new script is developed by the authors for SpotX but now for Mac. You can find the link here, and then just follow the instructions listed there. All credit goes to their respective authors. Before, SpotX for Mac didn’t exist so blocking Spotify ads was a huge pain in the ass but now it’s easier than ever.

Edit: Some people have mentioned using Spicetify, which has an extension to get rid of ads and the upgrade button.


Option 2


  1. Install AdGuard For Mac. Found on More specifically, here.
  2. Add “Spotify” to filtered applications in AdGuard preferences.
  3. done

Full Instructions of Spotify Ad Blocker

  1. Install AdGuard For Mac. Not an extension, but an actual Mac app. It can be found at More specifically. My preferences would be to use the mirror label link and download from Mediafire/Zippyshare (with Adblock of course). Also make sure Spotify for Mac is already installed. The Spotify app must be in your Applications folder before starting.
  2. Open the AdGuard DMG, control-click to open the gatekeeper-friendly version and follow the instructions, then drag it to Applications and open AdGuard. Once you open it, just click on it and select what you want no matter what. What’s really important is that you go to the top menu bar, click on Edgard (near your Wi-Fi/Battery icons), then Settings, Preferences, then the Network tab on the right. Next, click on “Applications,” then hit the plus button at the bottom left, and finally, add Spotify.
  3. Enjoy your ad-free Spotify.
  4. Irrelevant stuff here you can ignore it. In AdGuard I prefer to go into Filters, press the plus button at the bottom left, and enable all the other lists like Easy List, Mobile, Most Privacy and All Troubles. Not related to Spotify but optional if you want to block more things in the browser. Also worth noting that upon waking from sleep, the ads will start again, just quit Spotify and reopen it and it should go away. This is an AdGuard issue and will be fixed sometime in the future. You can also follow some guides in Blockspot’s issue threads to remove certain ad spacers and upgrade buttons, but really, who cares? And updating Spotify is going to bring it back anyway. Also make sure the AdGuard extension is installed as well as it can be found in the Extensions tab in AdGuard preferences.




Run the script in the terminal linked below. It’s very easy and it’s all in one click. Older tools haven’t been updated in a while. Instructions are also already attached.

Option 2

Honestly you guys are probably smart enough to figure it out so I’ll just link the GitHub link here. This is also because I don’t have a Linux machine so I have no experience with it but many people here have said good things about it. Just follow the instructions on GitHub and you should be fine.

Edit: SpotX now supports Linux. It’s supposed to be easy to install so I’ve linked it.


Option 3

Edit: Some have talked about using Spotify, which has an extension for removing ads and the upgrade button.



This should be a last resort because the browser version isn’t that good because there’s no friend activity and I don’t find it that reliable, but for those who are in that situation, just install Ublock Origin and you’re good to go. should Safari users can try Adguard for Safari but I haven’t tested it.

Update: A user told me about a Chrome ad-blocking extension specifically for Spotify. Don’t know if it works better than using uBlock Origin but I’ll leave it below.


It’s easy for you guys to just use XManager and be set. Or at least that’s what I used when I used Android. You just download the APK then install it and select the latest version of the app and you are set. First, try installing ARMV8. If that doesn’t work, then try ARMV7, assuming the app still requests it.


For Jailbroken users

I think iPhone users are really hosed because there’s really no good way to use unless you’re jailbroken. I tried many piehole scripts and I was still bad. But if you’re jailbroken, just install the Spotilife tweak from julioverne and an app downgrade tweak and you should be good. Just add its repo and you should be good. I have linked it here. And the app I downgrade ios Appstore and I have that repo link below. I personally use version 8.6.22 but later versions may work I’ve never tested it. I also use tune adaptation so I have lyrics but that’s optional. The repo and tweaks are linked below.

For Non-Jailbroken users

If you really want to you can use AltStore and cracked Spotify IPA and then use it to sideload on your phone. But it has its disadvantages that resignation is required every 7 days. And I have a problem where my computer won’t randomly detect my phone. But if you’re really interested I’ll have a link to the IPA and Altstore here. All you have to do is install AltStore on your phone and then download the cracked IPA on your phone. Then install the cracked IPA inside the AltStore app and you should be set for 7 days. I honestly don’t think it’s worth the trouble to reinstall it every 7 days but for those who really want it I’ve linked it here. I have no experience with this procedure or if resigning in 7 days is still an issue but for those interested I have it below. Maybe resigning myself is now credible, but I’m not sure. Just follow the Altstore installation instructions on their page and you should be fine. Once again the cracked Spotify IPAs are down. Make sure to clear the Spotify app data before installing and you should be fine. If you have a paid dev account you can sign apps for 1 year at a time but at that point you are going to spend money anyway.

Spotify IPA

Another Spotify iPA

More Spotify iPA’s

UPDATE: One user mentioned using Spotify Deluxe but I have never used it personally but I will link it below. And would like to add that I also shared the same experience where all versions above 8.6.42 don’t work on iOS 15+ so just use any version 8.6.42 or below. But that’s just my experience, maybe things have changed. Others have mentioned a side store but I have never used it but it is linked above for reference.

Also, before I used some random Spotify++ type apps like tweakbox and whatever but I never used it because it kept crashing and stopped verifying so I gave up. done. This is something worth noting but it’s something I don’t use but if anyone else has a better way or knows what the current way of doing it is they can link it below. Anyone with a better non-jailbreak method feels free to drop it down.

Edit: Other users have mentioned using the troll store. Since I don’t have a compatible device I can’t test it but I will link it below.


For other tools and methods not covered here, I’ll provide a link to the r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH list of Spotify tools for different platforms. Some don’t come with guides and some of them are useless.

Spotify Ad Blocker


And that’s really about it. Just one thing I wanted to share because I see so many guides scattered all over the place and just wanted to make it easier for beginners. Hope this helps, and enjoy your day. If you have a better way to share, please leave it below. Thanks for reading.


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